Apply For My Award


Rules that apply to award

  1. No adult material, pornography or foul language. We have children and believe the internet should be a safe place for them to visit.

  2. We like to know who has been here and would appreciate it if you sign our guestbook on our main page. It's not a requirement, but it sure helps!

  3. We look for sites with a unique look, a creative touch and good content. Please do not apply if you have an incomplete website (construction signs, blank pages etc), or a page that is just links.

  4. You must be willing to link the award to our website.

  5. Once we stop by your site (probably within a week, we will e-mail you with the award if you have won. If you do not hear from us, you probably didn't win, but if you are sure it was a mistake, you can e-mail us to be sure.

  6. Fill out the Form below completely or e-mail us with all the required information.

Thanks. . . .

Your e-mail:           

Your name:           

Web site name:    

Web Site URL:     

How did you hear about our award?:    

Please discribe your site below:


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